Many people buy barriers based on price! however other factors must be borne into consideration to give a trouble free installation
You need to supply the following information to assist a company to provide the right equipment for the job.
-Entrance design
-Number of vehicles
-Vehicle types
-Entrance shared with pedestrians
-Security person controlled
-A secure entrance or to just hold back vehicles
-Traffic lights / CCTV / Access Control
-Exit loop
-Safety loop
Thought needs to be give to warranties, ability to supply parts, servicing cost etc..
Entrance design - The entrance should be designed to keep pedestrians away from the barriers. Designated walk ways, fencing, and gateways should be used to design out any body becoming injured by the moving barrier.
Number of vehicles - Barriers are design to cope with a number of vehicle movements per hour / day. over use of a basic barrier can cause the system to over heat putting it out of action until the system cools down. Gear boxes etc are also designed for so many actions in their life time.
Vehicle Types - Pending the vehicle types relates to the safety loop installations, photocell locations and also the ability for the driver to see if the barrier is all the way up so that the vehicle can clear the barrier without hitting it.
Shared pedestrian access - As per design, if pedestrians are to be mixing with barriers then the safety systems need to be design to cover the risk involved.
Security person controlled - If you have onsite security managing your barrier at the barrier location then there are some safety options you can design out. This is called Hold-to-run where by the security guard keeps a finger on a button for the barrier to go up and again for the barrier to come down.
Secure or hold back vehicles - Are skirts required to stop people going through the barriered entrance or is it to just hold back a vehicle from entering a car park?
What accessories are you looking to have installed at the same time? Traffic lights along with CCTV enable you to review footage if the barrier is hit. Then if the traffic light is red you can recover costs from the driver for repairs. What kind of access control is required? Automatic number plate recognition, keypad, fobs, remotes, intercoms. All easily added to enable to controlled access and egress.
Exit loop- These give free access for drivers to leave the site without disturbing site staff.
Safety loops - These stop's the barrier from coming down onto vehicles.